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Nota más información

100% handcrafted
Process Our agaves 100%
More than 150 years
of History
A bottle with
Read more más de
150 años
of History
it is cared for and
Mezcal is not harvested,
Quote se cuida
y se

Family Legacy


omos una marca boutique de mezcal que rinde honor a la tradición familiar de Mezcal Lorenzo García, nuestro Maestro Destilador nacido en Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca; región conocida como “la cuna del mezcal” o “la capital mundial del mezcal”. Por más de 150 años, Don Aquileo y su familia se han dedicado al cultivo y la destilación de mezcal, respetando las técnicas y los conocimientos heredados de generación en generación.

We have established two different companies who work together: Tlamata y Yucoax.

While Tlamata is based in Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca; Yucoax is based in Mérida, Yucatán.

Our products comply with all the regulations set forth by the Mezcal Regulating Council, from harvesting to production and distribution.

- “More than a drink, Mezcal is a legacy. That is how my forefathers taught me, as theirs did before. Here, you will find the secrets that the agaves hidden beneath the terroir alongside the most exquisite tradition of the Oaxacan Mexican Range.“




- “More than a drink, Mezcal is a legacy. That is how my forefathers taught me, as theirs did before. Here, you will find the secrets that the agaves hidden beneath the terroir alongside the most exquisite tradition of the Oaxacan Mexican Range.“




The Process

Mezcal Production


The maguey is cooked in traditional stone ovens, fueled by firewood.


The Maguey is cooked and steamed in traditional stone ovens with wood.


The Maguey is fermented in wood barrels.


In the case of espadín with distillate, when obtaining the ferment from the agave pulp, it is distilled twice with orange using copper stills.


Only in the case of aged espadin. The mezcal is stored and preserved for 6 months in white oak barrels.


Our Agaves



Maguey Espadín (agave angustifolia) is the most common variety used to distill mezcal. This agave takes 8 to 12 years to mature and can be harvested on a large scale.


Technical Data

Variety Espadín from Oaxaca.

Origin: Harvest by hand.

Place of Production: Santiago Matatlán.

Alcohol Volume: 40%.

Capacity: 750 ml.

100% Espadín Joven
40% Alc/Vol
750ml Per bottle

Espadín Joven

100% Espadín Joven (Artisanal Mezcal). This is our introductory product and our flagship product.

Espadín Joven


Left to rest in oak barrels for 6 months, it has a characteristic caramel color.



Durante el proceso, el mezcal es mezclado con naranjas para darle un suave sabor a cítricos. Puede ser degustado solo, como aperitivo o para mixología.


Left to rest in oak barrels for 6 months, it has a characteristic caramel color.

Mezcal Don Aquileo


Aged espadin

young espadin

The espadin mezcal is blended with oranges which provide a citrus flavor. 

Mezcal Don Aquileo

destilado con Naranja

distilled with orange

Small Batch Series Family Legacy Bottles
Mezcal with

Wild Agaves

These varieties have proven resistant to cultivation, which makes for more expensive mezcal, but they also lend amazing flavors and textures to a distillate.
Some flavors identified are feta, stinky blue cheese, ripe peaches, buttered popcorn, horseradish, white pepper.... Some common wild agaves to try: Cuishe, madrecuixe, Tobalá, mexicano, tepeztate, and jabalí.

Due to the scarcity of wild agaves and the difficulty that involves its production; we are currently  mainly focused on 2 varieties of wild mezcal which are the following:

Tobalá and Cuishe, wild agaves that can only be obtained from wild places.

Small Batch Series



Tobalá is a wild agave which means “toba” (maguey) “la” (hot or aromatic); also known as the “King of Mezcals”. It is exceedingly difficult to find because only likes to grow under rocky, shady soil at high altitude and does not produce offspring like other agaves, so it relies on birds and bats to spread its seeds through pollination. Mezcal made from Tobalá tends to be fruity and complex. It takes about 10 years to fully mature.


Cuishe is a wild agave from the Agave karwinskii family. Like all agaves from
this family, Cuishe is distinctive for its height and tall cylindrical stalk, with slim agave leaves spreading outward at the top of the plant.
Cuishe will take about 9 to 12 years to fully mature. When ready for harvesting, the oblong piña can be difficult to harvest due to its height relative to the ground. Another quality unique to Cuishe mezcals is that in addition to the piñas, the stalks are also typically included in the roasting and fermentation, which can dramatically influence the flavor profile. Cuishe often produces a dry, gassy, and herbaceous mezcal with notes of pepper and spice.

small batch


Made from wild agaves, these varieties have resisted controlled, large-scale cultivation.



This makes them unique and difficult to produce, but, at the same time, they stand out for their unique flavors and textures.


Origin: Sourced (wild). State and Region of Origin: Oaxaca, Mexico. % Alc Vol: 40%. Presentation: 750 ml.

Small Batch Series



Tobalá is a wild agave which means “toba” (maguey) “la” (hot or aromatic); also known as the “King of Mezcals”. It is exceedingly difficult to find because only likes to grow under rocky, shady soil at high altitude and does not produce offspring like other agaves, so it relies on birds and bats to spread its seeds through pollination. Mezcal made from Tobalá tends to be fruity and complex. It takes about 10 years to fully mature.


Origen: De origen (salvaje). Alc Vol: 40%. Presentation: 750 ml.


Cuishe is a wild agave from the Agave karwinskii family. Like all agaves from this family, Cuishe is distinctive for its height and tall cylindrical stalk, with slim agave leaves spreading outward at the top of the plant. Cuishe will take about 9 to 12 years to fully mature. When ready for harvesting, the oblong piña can be difficult to harvest due to its height relative to the ground. Another quality unique to Cuishe mezcals is that in addition to the piñas, the stalks are also typically included in the roasting and fermentation, which can dramatically influence the flavor profile. Cuishe often produces a dry, gassy, and herbaceous mezcal with notes of pepper and spice.


Selling Points

Address: Calle 62 número 323B por 37 y 39 colonia Centro. CP 97000.

México: +9999001122

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USA: +9999001122

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